Chicago Roofing Solutions

Leak & Repair Experts

24/7 Emergency Response

Mon-Sun: 7:00am - 7:00pm

(312) 588-6969

Chicago, Illinois

The Effects of Snow & Ice on Roofing

The recent cold weather across the nation has once again brought the importance of rooftop snow removal into the public consciousness. It’s easy to forget about your roof on a cold, wintry day. It’s out there, in the cold, doing what it’s supposed to do, but without your help, it may not be in good shape for very long. Cold weather and snow can have some seriously negative effects on the one thing standing between you and the elements - your roof.
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Chicago Roofing Solutions
1655 S. Blue Island Ave.
Chicago, IL 60608
Office: (312) 588-6969
Fax: (312) 244-3791
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